The Bet

Published November 5, 2014 by J

I said I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone, and I did.  Ok, just in a super small way.  But it terrified me, so it counts.  (I’m still figuring out how I’m going to do it in a slightly larger way – more on that later.)

My neighbor started what’s essentially a diet bet – I told her to sign me up.  For most of these things you get to post your weight somewhere where its hidden.  People see the number of lbs that you lose at each weigh-in and your percentage lost.  But you never have to publicly share that god awful number.

For this one, you had to send a picture of the scale to the group.  I nearly had a panic attack  when I was sending that e-mail.  But maybe I needed to fess up and share it.  It’s beyond out of control so maybe putting it out there will make me have some accountability with it?  I figure it’s worth a shot.  So today’s super shitty number is 215.  Yeah.  I let myself get that out of control.

Her diet challenge runs 6 weeks and everyone who loses 3% of their body weight during that time splits the pot – for me that’s 6.5 lbs.  In theory, it doesn’t sound like it should be difficult.  But in reality, whole different story.  I’ve been trying to drop weight for years now with no success.  So what am I going to do differently this time to drop a pound a week?

I better figure that out, huh?

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